“Hell, the abode of condemned
souls and devils presided over by Satan; the place of eternal (?) punishment
for the wicked after death.” –AHD. I believe that this meaning of hell of some
religion, although somehow truthful, was designed to inject fear and to
terrorize their faithful to repent for their sins. There are different levels of hellish conditions, and my chosen meaning of hell, although complex is
simple: It is simply a state of separation from God; without God is without
love, without life.
Heavy traffic, pollutions,
prostitution, poverty, crimes, police brutality are but few of Manila's many
dreadful attributes.
I don’t see any reason why some Filipinos are overreacting to a valid narrative
commentary of a well known person about a shit on the tip of their nose. The
truth, like law, may be harsh but it is the truth; and The Truth will set us
Manila, The Gate of Hell is nothing but a free and un-paid
promotional phrase from Dan Brown, the renowned author of the controversial, popular,
and fictional (whimsical) movie “The Da vinci Code”. The Department of Tourism
should be glad,; hell is a place of uncontrolled sense enjoyment; and with the Philippine government’s RH-Bill that promotes hedonism, indeed, “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”. I am quite certain that with enormous number of hedonist people in
the world, and with Dan brown’s endorsement; lots of them, will be more than eager to see
and be in the Gate of Hell.
There is nothing neither new nor controversial about Dan Brown’s revelation. There is not even a need for him to come to Manila to see the dreadful situation for himself, such information are available everywhere and everyday in the news, in movies, and in the internet. Being so vividly visible, It would be stupidity for anyone to consider this issue as too much or as an eye opener. Filipinos are very much familiar with this inauspicious situation to even think that it is only a product of one’s imagination. To avoid being branded as a Prophet of Doom, I agree with some hopefuls like Ted Failon, who consider it as a challenge for us Filipinos to do something to solve the problem.
“Hell is a state of separation from God.”
According to Christ Jesus, “My kingdom is not of this world”. Manila need not
be a miserable place to be called hell. Practically, the whole planet Earth is
hell, and Manila is in planet Earth. Dan Brown, seemingly, is either ignorant
or in-cognizant about the real meaning of hell. Based on the published text of
his book that I read from the media, it seems that Dan Brown only uses the word
hell merely to amplify the miserable state of the City of Manila. I will laud
him for that if that would be his only reason. But there are some factors to
consider and my familiarity with reproductive health, abortion, religiosity,
and other international issues prompt me to think twice and hold on to some
reservations about this issue. The world is not what it seems, and some expert
musicians are capable of playing music with countless undertones.
A certain
catholic priest should know better. CBCP spokesperson, Francis Lucas,
over-reacting about the phrase, said that the phrase is fictitious and apart
from reality. He is forgetful that some fictions are based on reality, and
what was mentioned in the book Inferno about Manila was a reality. In a radio
interview, (DZMM with Julius Babao and Nina Corpuz) Father Francis Lucas
generalizes that a writers reason to write is to make money; forgetful that
some priests are writers and not all writers write for money. There are many
reasons, but a writers primary reason to write is to write; as, fortunately,
the readers reason to buy is to read. Not all writers are lucky or stupid; Dan
Browns reasons to write might would be fame and money, but not all writers are
like him. Definitely, Father Lucas is not a writer to know the heart of a
writer. He is supposedly the spokesperson of a major religion, and I don't want
to involve a Church nor see this “money-making-writer” issue as an issue of
“Blind Faith”. I want to believe that this is only an individual person’s
personal issue on inner fear, lack of faith, arrogance, and self righteousness
that can make a person blind.
We Filipinos
should be thankful to Dan Brown, who maybe out of ignorance, lust for fame and
controversy, and desire to make money, chooses Manila his Gate of Hell. All our
lives, knowledge and experience taught us (Filipinos) that there is heaven and
hell, It is on Mister Brown’s credit to remind us that in between those two
places is a gate, and that gate is here in The Philippines As an intro to a
song, a gate is only an entry port to a destination; it is not the song itself
nor the destination. In addition, to say that Manila is the Gate of Hell is to
say that if we are in hell, Manila is the closest place to heaven; and if we
are in heaven, Manila is the pathway to hell. Being branded as the Gate of Hell
is not as bad as being in Hell.
As I see it,
Dan Brown’s idea of Inferno is limited to human suffering, fiery heat,
destruction, disease, and death, which are built-in in this dreadful planet. Is
he not aware of other anguish such as mental anguish which is as destructive as
physical pain? Mental anguish is the result of alcoholism, suicide, divorce,
drug problem, cigarette consumption and other unsolved problem of the whole
world. Mental pain is the number one tormentor of the so called First World
countries. And if misery scales hellishness, the developed countries are as
hellish as the under-developed countries by the way how its people destroy itself. Being a great researcher and an
objective writer he is, I like to ask him to also locate The Gate of Mental Torment,
which certainly is also tormenting him.
For whatever reason and on what authority, one of the most angelic or demoniac writers of The Infernal World selected our most neglected and forgotten City of Manila, the Gate between Heaven and Hell. If Mister Brown's purpose is to educate the Filipinos, it is my duty as a Filipino to, out of gratitude and duty, repay him: There are many places on earth which is far more hellish than Manila, The Philippines, and he need not go far to know the worst of those places. A nation is a certified Number One Killer of the Unborn, and he should know that hell is only an empty space without demons. “With bigger speck in his own eye, a fool's concern is the specks in others' eyes.” When Mister Brown points his accusing fingers on the helpless City of Manila, three of those dirty fingers are pointing at him.